

 I forgot to explain why Boogie is going to have a new fiancé. I told you about Milton which I had planned to use to Boogie. Unfortunately Milton has problems with his elbows, so I wouldn't want to take any risks. 

Finally the spring is on its way, and the sun is shining beautifully. We still have lots of snow, and it may take a while before it's all gone.
Boogie is enjoying the wet snow and all the small ponds, she is wet all the time. But Banjo can't stand the wet weather, so she likes to stay home or just take short walks.  But when the snow is gone, she wants to stay outside all the time. She really loves to lie on the terrace all day long when its warmer.

Boogie's planned second litter will come true this autumn, if everything goes well with her fiancé this summer in the showrings. The fiancé doesn't have the required results from shows yet.

 Banjo's daughters from the second litter were to the vet again for blood test. They both had the last year very very high results in liver-blood tests. And unfortunately the results hadn't got any better, the results were so high that both girls should have serious life-threatening symptoms. But both are doing very well, like normal dogs, no symptoms at all. So this whole liver-thing is very strange, and very hard to diagnose. But my biggest wish is that they will live a normal painfree life so long it's possible. There is really nothing else I can do, because no one in Finland or even abroad has knowledge about this. And I really have tried to investigate this thing! I understand there is very little information available, because dog owners doesn't take blood results of their dogs without symptoms, and this is really a symptomfree illness, so far. But I'm glad to notice that some of Finnish schapendoes-owners has taken this thing seriously!